Tuesday, May 19, 2009

No fear. Google is here

If you wrote a manifesto 10 years ago in a piece of paper, it is unlikely you will find it again now.

If you write something in a blog, a bulletin board, or commented on an Image or a board-post. Google can find it, clean the dust over it and hand it back to you with dates.

If someone claims he found something that you previously wrote about or discovered. Google can pull it back in seconds and prove him wrong. None of your work will be buried, it will be fetched one day if needed.

Seth conveys a great story here about personal branding with Google. A woman looking for a babysitter, she receives three CVs, search the names in Google. Google hunts the applicants and finds them showing pictures on Facebook of themselves drunk, or muttering in a chat room that they don't want to take a mundane job because they see themselves as artists.


  1. No Fear .. Google is here ..

    Go Go Google :)

  2. Correct!

    This makes us be extremely careful about what and where we say things on the internet.

    Google FTW!

  3. lol. The woman looking for a babysitter did well by checking Google first! And yes, Anders is correct. We got to watch what we put out there. Google, FTW!

  4. Thanks Guys!

    You are correct, we need to becareful of what we say..


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