Monday, September 12, 2011

Research: A Software to Prevent Cancer

Am not saying not to take the neccessary health measures to prevent Cancer. Nevertheless, Science and Technology are advancing so fast that we are able to connect to, use and control living organs. Here is the latest technology where some group of mad scientists created a robot with a "live" rat brain.

Therefore, it is not impossible to use the Human API idea I wrote 2 years ago to prevent cancer. Here is my proposal.

The Human API is a set of methods and functions that allow developers to write software that can communicate with our body cells and organs through a device. But the Human API V1.0 I proposed 2 years ago can only access each cell individually regardless where this cell is. So I need to enhance this API to identify organs such as Liver,  Colon, Stomach etc.

Prevent It
An Apple a day keeps the doctor away, the first design to cure cancer is to prevent it. So I'm gonna introduce the interface IBodyOrgan and create the classes that implements this interface such as Liver, Colon etc..

Now with this new Object Oriented design we can access each body organ individually as follows.

Lets say I want to access my Liver cells and detect if there are any abnormal cells in my liver. Here is the code to do so using the Human API.

Dim myLiver as IBodyOrgan

'get the liver organ as object
myLiver = deviceapi.getOrganByID("LIVER")

'lets send a signal for the liver to start detoxification.

Dim eCells as IEnumBodyCells

eCells = myLiver.getCells()

'lets access those cells and print if any are abnormal

For Each pCell In eCells
   If pCell.isAbnormal() Then

       'print the location of the cell and its ID on a map for the doctors for investigation
     PrintCellMap pCell   End if

This small software can print a map of abnormal cells in a human liver and quickly hand that to his specialist. Imagine if we can install this application into kiosks machines in public, so anybody can easily do a check up for cancer cheaply. Perhaps with the advance of technology and biometrics this application can be deployed on iPhone or Andriod so people can do a checkup right on their mobile! I'm gonna write another post just for that.

Cure It
One can enhance this application to even cure the possible cancer by killing or disabling the growth of those abnormal cells. Here is a proposal.

Dim myLiver as IBodyOrgan
'get the liver organ as object
myLiver = deviceapi.getOrganByID("LIVER")

'lets send a signal for the liver to start detoxification.

'lets access those cells and print if any are abnormal

For Each pCell In eCells
   If pCell.isAbnormal() Then
         'Send a signal to disable the cell
         pCell.Disable()  '
   End if

I'm sure one day we will hear of an iPhone application that can cure cancer.

Readers Suggestions
Ali Abd Aljalil
How about an army of nano machines, which can be injected and circulated around the human body. They can be programmed to attack mutant cells, viruses and other alien objects? Can be switched on and off, guided to the targeted organs, provide statistics and reports.

Interesting Idea, especially that science is booming into nano technology.


  1. How about an army of nano machines, which can be injected and circulated around the human body. They can be programmed to attack mutant cells, viruses and other alien objects? Can be switched on and off, guided to the targeted organs, provide statistics and reports.

  2. I liked the idea of the nano robots, you inject them send them to detect tumors and treat it and then they get disposed.

    they can either send the stats if they are equipped with an HSDPA chip or we can upload the results upon disposal.

  3. I think that Hussein is a .Net Addict..But its not a bad idea, and so developers are once again aiming to dominate the world....

    I like the idea of Nano Robots...


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